Poor Gum Health
The key to good gum health is proper oral hygiene. If you neglect your gums, you’ll start to notice the effects of plaque buildup. Plaque is the sticky film of bacteria that constantly builds up around, on, and between your teeth. If plaque isn’t removed, it can irritate the gums, leading to redness, bleeding, and inflammation. This is also known as gingivitis, the earliest stage of gum disease. You may also experience gum recession—a condition where the gum tissue surrounding your teeth pulls back, exposing more of your tooth. This allows for more plaque to build up, which can lead to tooth sensitivity.
How to Improve Gum Health
The best way to maintain and improve gum health is to practice good, daily oral hygiene. An optimal oral hygiene routine should include:
Brushing twice
a day
Flossing once
a day
Regular dental check-ups and cleanings